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Photo Exhibition "The Caves of Orosei Gulf"
11 Aprile 2019

From April 10th the Acquarium of Cala Gonone (Sardinia - Italy) is hosting a collective photographic exhibition with pictures portraying the beautiful local caves entitled "The Caves of Orosei Gulf" ("Le grotte del Golfo di Orosei" in italian). I feel very happy and honoured to be part of this exhibit together with the other friends photographers Andrea Marassich, Claudio Provenzani and JP Bresser.   You can enjoy the pictures exposed there...

Cover & interview on "SUB Underwater Magazine"
10 Maggio 2019

I'm delighted and proud to announce that one picture of mine,taken in the Bue Marino cave - Sardinia and portraying Raffaele and Cristina, is the cover image of the April - May issue of SUB Underwater Magazine and that inside there's an interview about me written by Francesco Pacienza, where I talk about my extraordinary passion for caves and specially cave photography.   When I started the diving career 13 years ago I bought almost immedia...

Radio Interview for Baobab - Rete Tre
23 Maggio 2019

In the middle of May Baobab - Info Magazine of Rete Tre (Swiss radio channel) passed an interview done by Angelica Arbasini where I had the chance to talk about my photography. Here below you can find the link and listen to it (italian).    

Cave Photography Workshop in Sardinia
4 Marzo 2022

We are really happy to offer a unique 4 days cave photography course in Cala Gonone from the 29th of May to the 1st of June. This event is organized in collaboration with Base1 Sardinia and Phreatic. The caves in Cala Gonone are the gems of Sardinia and one of the best dives spots in Europe. They offer various types of passages, nicely decorated, and therefore make the perfect place for developing your photography skills. It will be possible to...

Beyond the Image @ EUDI Show
5 Aprile 2022

BEYOND THE IMAGE, la genesi di uno scatto nel buio Con grande piacere comunico che sarò presente all’Eudi Show presso lo stand Scubalandia (A46), per due incontri informali che si terranno sabato 2 aprile alle 14:00 e domenica 3 aprile alle 13:00, durante i quali sarò a disposizione per scambiare due chiacchiare con coloro che sono interessati a scoprire o ad approfondire di più quali difficoltà si celano dietro la costruzione d...

Two pics in book "Storia delle esplorazioni speleousubacquee"
11 Luglio 2022

It has just been published the book "Storia delle Esplorazioni Speleosubacquee", written by the authors Attilio Eusebio, Raffaele Onorato, Duilio Cobol, Luciano Russo, Giuseppe Minciotti, Ennio Lazzarotto, Enrico Dalla Zuanna, Maurizio Da Meda, Sergio Orsini, Paolo Forti and Roberto Jarre, and two of the pictures reported on it are mine: the picture of  Grotta Utopia and the picture of Grotta del Bue Marino, both in Sardinia. If you would l...

Immagini Sospese 2022
22 Agosto 2022

  Ieri mattina abbiamo posato le fotografie dell'esposizione collettiva “Immagini Sospese” nel lago: le potete ammirare fino al 28 agosto presso le Fornaci di Caldé lungo un percorso sommerso accessibile a tutti i subacquei, e naturalmente siete tutti invitati a venire a vederle!     Le fotografie ritraggono varie bellezze sommerse d'Italia, e sono state scattate da Cristina Freghieri, Claudio Provenzani, Michele Solca, ...

Dive TEC! Event
24 Agosto 2022

I'm absolutely delighted and excited to have been invited to join the Dive TEC Event, the underwater exploration exhibition in Switzerland, that will take place on 26 and 27 August in St-Prex!  Come and visit it: you will find 25 exhibitors, 4 great conferences of Olivier Isler, Laurent Ballesta, Phil Short and Alexis Chappuis; plus a super nice photographic exhibit with some of my pictures together with Stefan Panis, Gatien Cosende...

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